Causal Inference with Spatial Data

(ArcGIS 10 for Economics Research)

Lecture 8

Map Algebra

Masayuki Kudamatsu

7 December, 2018

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To go back to the previous slide, press SHIFT+SPACE.

What is Map Algebra?

Cell-by-cell calculation across multiple raster datasets

1. Arithmetic operations

  • with numbers (e.g., raster*2)
  • across several raster datasets (e.g., ras1 + ras2)

2. Functions

Today's road map

1. Mayshar, Moav, Neeman, & Pascali (2015)

2. Arithmetics in Map Algebra

  • Dictionary in Python

3. Cell Statistics

4. Focal Statistics

  • Replicate ruggedness index in Nunn & Puga (2012)

5. Other geo-processing tools used in economics

1. Mayshar, Moav, Neeman, & Pascali (2015)

This study was featured in Washington Post

Research Question

What caused the formation of the state?



  • Previous studies focused on agriculture in general
  • This study: focus on crop type (cereal vs tuber/root)
  • Convincing causal evidence


Theory (1 of 3)

Roots and Tubers

Potatoes, cassava, yam, taro, bananas...

Perishable upon harvest

Harvesting is non-seasonal, not visible (underground)

$\Rightarrow$ Costly to steal / confiscate

Theory (2 of 3)


Wheat, rice, maize...


Harvest within a short period of time, clearly visible

$\Rightarrow$ Cheap to steal / confiscate

Theory (3 of 3)

State formation

Building a state incurs a fixed cost

With roots & tubers, no incentive to build a state

Historical examples

  • Ancient Egypt: wheat with state
  • New Guinea: yam/taro without state

cf. Coltan vs gold in DR Congo (Sanchez de la Sierra (2017))


State formation

  • Ethnographic Atlas for cross-sectional regression
  • Borcan et al. (2014) for panel cross-country regression

Jurisdictional Hierarchy

(Figure 4 of Mayshar, Moav, Neeman, & Pascali (2015))

Data (cont.)

Relative productivity of cereals vs. tuber/roots

  • Potential caloric yields by crops, obtained from Global Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ)

Data (cont.)


Resolution: 5 x 5 arc-minutes (about 10 X 10 km)

Data: potential yields by crop, based on climate & soil

$\Rightarrow$ Exogeneous to human activities

$\Rightarrow$ Widely used by economists

Cereal's relative productivity to tuber/root

(Figure 7 of Mayshar, Moav, Neeman, & Pascali (2015))

Empirical specification: cross-section

Sample: 952 pre-colonial societies

\begin{align*} y_{ic} = \beta CAL\_DIF_i + \gamma MAX\_CAL_{i} + \mu_c + \varepsilon_{i} \end{align*}

$y_{ic}$ # jurisdictional levels beyond villages
$CAL\_DIF_i$ Cereal's relative caloric yield to tuber
$MAX\_CAL_i$ Maximum caloric yield among all crops
$\mu_c$ Continent fixed effects

We will learn how to calculate $CAL\_DIF_i$ and $MAX\_CAL_i$ from GAEZ data

Main results (cross-section)

(Table 3 of Mayshar, Moav, Neeman, & Pascali (2015))

Natural experiment:

Colombian exchange

Until 1500:

Cereals Tubers
New World Maize only All but yams
Old World All but maize Yams only

$\Rightarrow$ Around 1500, cereals' relative productivity to tubers changed exogenously!

Empirical specification: panel

Sample: 159 countries from 1000 to 2000 (every 50 years)

\begin{align*} y_{ct} = \beta CAL\_DIF_{it} + \gamma MAX\_CAL_{it} + \mu_c + \eta_t*x_c + \varepsilon_{i} \end{align*}

$y_{ct}$ Government above tribal level
$\mu_c$ Country fixed effect
$\eta_t*x_c$ Year fixed effect * country characteristics

Main results (panel)

(Table 6 of Mayshar, Moav, Neeman, & Pascali (2015))

Prepare for the rest of this lecture

1. Launch ArcMap 10 (it takes time)

2. Download the zipped dataset for Lecture 8

3. Save it to Desktop (C:\\Users\\yourname\\Desktop)

  • Don't save in the remote server, which slows down ArcGIS

4. Right-click it and choose 7-Zip > Extract to "Lecture8\"

  • So the directory path will be: C:\\Users\\yourname\\Desktop\\Lecture8

Prepare for the rest of this lecture (cont.)

Now in ArcMap's Catalogue Window:

5. Establish connection to data folder

  • Right-click Folder Connections
  • Select Connect to Folder
  • Choose Desktop > Lecture8

Mentaly prepare for the rest of this lecture

No Model Builder today

We directly write a Python script to use Map Algebra

  • Raster Calculator tool does the same job in Model Builder
  • But it's not meant to be exported as a Python script

2. Arithmetics in Map Algebra

Data we want to construct

Caloric yields by crop at each 5-minute cell across the world

  • GAEZ provides each crop's potential yield
    in tons per hectare

$\Rightarrow$ Multiply it w/ crop-specific conversion factor

Calorie conversion factors

(Table A.1 of Online Appendix for Galor & Ozak 2016)

Data we want to construct (cont.)

So we need to edit each 5-minute cell of GAEZ

$\Rightarrow$ Use Map Algebra

Map Algebra basics #1

Import Spatial Analyst Module

To use Map Algebra, start the script by:

import arcpy
from import *
  • I provide these lines in .../Lecture8/code/template4L8ex*.py

Map Algebra basics #1

Import Spatial Analyst Module

To use Map Algebra, start the script by:

import arcpy
from import *

Without this line, every method for Map Algebra has to have the prefix

Map Algebra basics #1

Import Spatial Analyst Module

To use Map Algebra, start the script by:

import arcpy
from import *

Map Algebra is part of Spatial Analyst extension.

Without this, you cannot use it

Map Algebra basics #2

Raster Object

To use Map Algebra, we need to understand the concept of Raster Object

cf. ArgGIS Help on Raster Object

Raster Object (cont.)

To use arithmetic operators, first convert each raster data into a Raster object by Raster method:

maize_yield = Raster("maize.tif")

cf. If the script didn't start with

from import *

we have to write:

maize_yield ="maize.tif")

Raster Object (cont.)

Raster object can be used just like X in high-school algebra

maize_yield = Raster("maize.tif")
maize_calorie = maize_yield * 36.5

Arithmetic operators for Map Algebra / Python

(taken from ArcGIS Help)

Raster Object (cont.)

Output from calculation is also a Raster object

maize_yield = Raster("maize.tif")
maize_calorie = maize_yield * 36.5

It's not saved in the disk. Just in memory.

Raster Object (cont.)

To save a raster object in the disk, use the save method

maize_yield = Raster("maize.tif")
maize_calorie = maize_yield * 36.5"maize_calorie.tif")

Raster Object (cont.)

To save a raster object in the disk, use the save method

maize_yield = Raster("maize.tif")
maize_calorie = maize_yield * 36.5"maize_calorie.tif")

Add .save() to raster object name

Raster Object (cont.)

To save a raster object in the disk, use the save method

maize_yield = Raster("maize.tif")
maize_calorie = maize_yield * 36.5"maize_calorie.tif")

Within ( ), specify the output raster file name

Map Algebra basics #3


Various mathematical functions available

  • Ln, SquareRoot, Cos, Sin, Tan, etc.
  • See ArcGIS Help for the complete list

Functions (cont.)

To use functions, the input raster doesn't have to be a Raster object

Output of a function is a Raster object, though

$\Rightarrow$ To save the output, use save method

Map Algebra basics #4

File path

For some reason, the following way of specifying relative file paths (cf. Lecture 3) does not work with Map Algebra

import os
work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
arcpy.env.workspace = "../"
input_raster = "input/GAEZ/maize.tif"
output_raster = "output/maize_calorie.tif"

File path (cont.)

The problem seems to be arcpy.env.workspace

So we directly specify the file paths:

import os
work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
input_raster = "../input/GAEZ/maize.tif"
output_raster = "../output/maize_calorie.tif"

We will later use arcpy.env.workspace
for another purpose

Exercise #1

Calorie conversion for maize

Start with code/


  • GAEZ data: ../input/GAEZ/maize.tif
  • Conversion factor: 36.5


  • ../output/maize_calorie.tif

Exercise #1 (cont.)

print "Inputs being set..."
input_raster = "../input/GAEZ/maize.tif"
conversion_factor = 36.5

print "Outputs being set..."
output_raster = "../output/calorie_maize.tif"

    maize_yield = Raster(input_raster)
    maize_calorie = maize_yield * conversion_factor

except arcpy.ExecuteError:

How to repeat for 15 crops

How do we repeat this for other 14 crops?

Naive approach by 1st-year PhD student:

  • Copy and paste
  • Replace file names and conversion factor for each crop

We should avoid copy-and-paste

  • Not readable for other people and your future self
  • Difficult to revise
    • You have to change 15 lines for each revision
    • You may forget to change a few of them

Use a loop over 15 crops

detour: defensive programming

If tempted to copy-and-paste during programming

$\Rightarrow$ Youl should better use a loop

One example of what's known as defensive programming

detour: defensive programming (cont.)

"Computer scientists assume programmers will make mistakes, and instead of chiding people to “just be careful,” they have developed a battery of practices to address the problem." (Nick Eubank)

(Click the link to learn more)

How to repeat for 15 crops (cont.)

We need a loop over crop names

Each crop has a different conversion factor

$\Rightarrow$ Link crop name + conversion factor in each turn of loop

$\Rightarrow$ Use dictionary in Python

Dictionary in Python

Another of Python data types to be assigned to a variable

It's a set of pairs

Just like a Japanese-English dictionary

  • Each pair: Japanese word and its translation in English

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Syntax to define a dictionary

dict = {'watashi':'I', 'anata':'you', 'kare':'he'}

Enclose the whole by { }

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Syntax to define a dictionary

dict = {'watashi':'I', 'anata':'you', 'kare':'he'}

Each pair is separated by , (comma)

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Syntax to define a dictionary

dict = {'watashi':'I', 'anata':'you', 'kare':'he'}

Each element within a pair is separated by : (colon)

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Syntax to define a dictionary

dict = {'watashi':'I', 'anata':'you', 'kare':'he'}

can be replaced with any other variable name of your choice

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Key and Value

dict = {'watashi':'I', 'anata':'you', 'kare':'he'}

1st element in pair: called key

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Key and Value

dict = {'watashi':'I', 'anata':'you', 'kare':'he'}

2nd element in pair: called value

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Obtian value from key

dict = {'watashi':'I', 'anata':'you', 'kare':'he'}

Once this dictionary called dict is defined:

dict['watashi'] returns 'I'
dict['anata'] returns 'you'
dict['kare'] returns 'he'

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Another way to define a dictionary

dict = {}
dict['watashi'] = 'I'
dict['anata'] = 'you'
dict['kare'] = 'he'

Create an empty dictonary

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Another way to define a dictionary

dict = {}
dict['watashi'] = 'I'
dict['anata'] = 'you'
dict['kare'] = 'he'

Assign key 'watashi' to value 'I'

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Another way to define a dictionary

dict = {}
dict['watashi'] = 'I'
dict['anata'] = 'you'
dict['kare'] = 'he'

More readable if there are many key-value pairs

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Another way to define a dictionary

dict = {}
dict['watashi'] = 'I'
dict['anata'] = 'you'
dict['kare'] = 'he'
dict['nihongo'] = 'Japanese'
dict['eigo'] = 'English'

Also you can add more key-value pairs later

Dictionary in Python (cont.)

Create a list of keys

key_list = dict.keys()

$\Rightarrow$ Can create a loop over keys by

for key in key_list:

Exercise #2

Calorie conversion for 15 crops

Start with code/

1. Create a dictionary of calorie conversion factors

2. Loop over 15 crops

Exercise #2 Step 1: Calorie conversion factors

calorie = {}
calorie['barley'] = 35.2
calorie['buckwheat'] = 34.3
calorie['maize'] = 36.5
calorie['millet_pearl'] = 37.8
calorie['millet_foxtail'] = 37.8
calorie['oat'] = 24.6
calorie['rice_indica'] = 37
calorie['rice_wetland'] = 37
calorie['rye'] = 33.8
calorie['sorghum'] = 33.9
calorie['wheat'] = 34.2
calorie['cassava'] = 16
calorie['sweetpotato'] = 8.6
calorie['whitepotato'] = 7.7
calorie['yams'] = 11.8

Exercise #2 Step 2

Loop over crop names

Create a Python list of crop names as crops:

crops = calorie.keys()
for crop in crops:

Exercise #2 Step 2 (cont.)

Loop over crop names

Set a loop over crop names:

crops = calorie.keys()
for crop in crops:

Exercise #2 Step 3

Specify input raster data

Specify the directory in which the input raster is saved

crops = calorie.keys()
for crop in crops:
   arcpy.env.workspace = "../input/GAEZ"
   crop_yield = Raster(crop+".tif")

Exercise #2 Step 3: Specify input raster data (cont.)

Create a Raster object

crops = calorie.keys()
for crop in crops:
   arcpy.env.workspace = "../input/GAEZ"
   crop_yield = Raster(crop+".tif")
  • For this to work, name data files with keys

Exercise #2 Step 4

Calorie conversion

Retrieve conversion factor as dictionary value for key crop

crops = calorie.keys()
for crop in crops:
   arcpy.env.workspace = "../input/GAEZ"
   crop_yield = Raster(crop+".tif")
   calorie_yield = crop_yield * calorie[crop]

Exercise #2 Step 4: Calorie conversion (cont.)

Convert yield into calorie by Map Algebra

crops = calorie.keys()
for crop in crops:
   arcpy.env.workspace = "../input/GAEZ"
   crop_yield = Raster(crop+".tif")
   calorie_yield = crop_yield * calorie[crop]

Exercise #2 Step 5

Save the output raster file

crops = calorie.keys()
for crop in crops:
   arcpy.env.workspace = "../input/GAEZ"
   crop_yield = Raster(crop+".tif")
   calorie_yield = crop_yield * calorie[crop]
   arcpy.env.workspace = "../output""calorie_"+crop+".tif")

Tips for output file names

Use the same name as the script that creates the output

  • Easy to find which script creates which data file

If a script creates multiple outputs

$\Rightarrow$ use the script's name as prefix

  • $\rightarrow$ calorie_maize.tif, calorie_cassava.tif, etc.

So save the script as

Only if you are using IDLE to edit scripts

Trouble shooting

If your script crashes, close Python Shell from the previous execution

  • Python Shell: the window that shows error messages
  • It seems ArcGIS keeps the output files open until you close Python Shell

3. Cell Statistics

Data we want to construct

Maximum caloric yield among cereal crops

Maximum caloric yield among tubers

Difference of these two (main regressor)

Maximum caloric yield among all crops (control)

$\Rightarrow$ Cell Statistics tool can handle these

Cell Statistics

Calculate summary statistics in each raster cell

  • Same set of statistics as for Zonal Statistics (cf Lec 5)

Inputs: multiple raster datasets

$\Rightarrow$ Use a Python list to specify inputs

  • cf. Inputs to Intersect tool (Lec 4)

Cell Statistics (cont.)

1st argument: input raster list

If input_rasters is a Python list of calorie rasters, we can write:

max_calorie = CellStatistics(input_rasters,"MAXIMUM","DATA")

Cell Statistics (cont.)

2nd argument: statistics to be calculated

Don't forget to enclose it with " "

max_calorie = CellStatistics(input_rasters,"MAXIMUM","DATA")

See ArcGIS Help for other statistics

Cell Statistics (cont.)

max_calorie = CellStatistics(input_rasters,"MAXIMUM","DATA")

3rd argument: ignore missing values if "DATA"

If "NODATA", output cell value is missing wherever at least one input raster data has a missing value

Input raster list

Now how to specify the list of input rasters?

input_rasters = ???
max_calorie = CellStatistics(input_rasters,"MAXIMUM","DATA")

Directly writing file names: likely to make a mistake

When file names are changed, this script will crash

Input raster list (cont.)

ListRasters method helps

arcpy.env.workspace = "../output"
input_rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("calorie_*", "TIF")
max_calorie = CellStatistics(input_rasters,"MAXIMUM","DATA")

Collect all TIFF files with "calorie_" as prefix

Input raster list (cont.)

ListRasters method helps

arcpy.env.workspace = "../output"
input_rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("calorie_*", "TIF")
max_calorie = CellStatistics(input_rasters,"MAXIMUM","DATA")

Raster data folder is specified by arcpy.env.workspace

Digression: Other list methods

For other file types

Fields (i.e. columns in attribute table)

Input raster list (cont.)

arcpy.env.workspace = "../output"
input_rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("calorie_*", "TIF")
max_calorie = CellStatistics(input_rasters,"MAXIMUM","DATA")

This code is fine if we need maximum among all crops

To obtain maximum for cereals and for tubers separately...

Input raster list (cont.)

By renaming all cereal (tuber) raster files as "calorie_cereal_" ("calorie_tuber_"):

arcpy.env.workspace = "../output"

input_cereals = arcpy.ListRasters("calorie_cereal_*", "TIF")
max_cereal = CellStatistics(input_cereals, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")

input_tubers = arcpy.ListRasters("calorie_tuber_*", "TIF")
max_tuber = CellStatistics(input_tubers, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")

Maximum will be calculated for each type of crops

$\Rightarrow$ Revise as in next slide:

Branching by crop type

Use if/else statement to branch by crop type

for crop in crops:
   arcpy.env.workspace = "../input/GAEZ"
   crop_yield = Raster(crop+".tif")
   calorie_yield = crop_yield * calorie[crop]
   arcpy.env.workspace = "../output"
   if crop == "cassava" or crop == "sweetpotato" or crop == "whitepotato" or crop == "yams":"calorie_tuber_"+crop+".tif")


Exercise #3

Practice with Map Algebra and Cell Statistics

Start with code/

1. Create the list of caloric yield rasters for cereal and tuber

2. Calculate caloric difference between cereal and tuber

3. Obtain maximum caloric yield for all crops

4. Save the outputs

Exercise #3: Step 2

Caloric differences between cereal and tuber

Use simple arithmetic expression

max_cereal = CellStatistics(input_cereals, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")
max_tuber = CellStatistics(input_tubers, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")
caloric_diff = max_cereal - max_tuber

Exercise #3: Step 3

Maximum caloric yield for all crops

Use Cell Statistics again

max_cereal = CellStatistics(input_cereals, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")
max_tuber = CellStatistics(input_tubers, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")
caloric_diff = max_cereal - max_tuber
max_calorie = CellStatistics([max_cereal, max_tuber], "MAXIMUM", "DATA")

Exercise #3: Step 4

Save outputs

Use the save method

max_cereal = CellStatistics(input_cereals, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")
max_tuber = CellStatistics(input_tubers, "MAXIMUM", "DATA")
caloric_diff = max_cereal - max_tuber
max_calorie = CellStatistics([max_cereal, max_tuber], "MAXIMUM", "DATA")

arcpy.env.workspace = "../output""max_calorie_cereal.tif")"max_calorie_tuber.tif")"max_calorie_diff.tif")"max_calorie_all.tif")

And save the script as

Model Python Scripts for Lecture 8

Look at solutions4exercises/ folder

Assignment 1

Aggregate to Ethnographic Atlas

Obtain average caloric difference within 20-mile radius of each society

INPUT: input/ethnographic_atlas.shp

Which geo-processing tools should we use?

Solution: solutions4exercises/

Assignment 2 (advanced)

Obtain caloric difference before 1500

1. Create indicator raster for New World

  • Create a polygon of American continent
  • Polygon to Raster

2. Use the Con tool to assign 0 calorie to relevant cells

  • Con(americas=1, calorie_maize, 0) returns:
    • calorie_maize's raster value for New World cells
    • 0 for Old World cells
  • See ArcGIS Help on Con for detail

4. Focal Statistics

Focal Statistics

Calculates summary statistics in neighbouring raster cells

e.g. Sum of immediate neighbors

Focal Statistics (cont.)

You can define the neighborhood very flexibly (more detail)


Focal Statistics (cont.)

You can define the neighborhood very flexibly (more detail)


Focal Statistics (cont.)

You can define the neighborhood very flexibly (more detail)

Annulus (ring)

Focal Statistics (cont.)

You can define the neighborhood very flexibly (more detail)


Focal Statistics (cont.)

You can define the neighborhood very flexibly (more detail)


Focal Statistics (cont.)

You can define the neighborhood very flexibly (more detail)


Application of Focal Statistics

Nunn & Puga (2011)

Estimate terrain ruggedness's impact on income per capita

Negative outside Africa

  • Transportation cost

Positive in Africa

  • Negative once slave export is controlled for

Terrain Ruggedness Index

Originally proposed by Riley et al. (1999)

Defined as: \begin{align*} TRI_{xy} =& \sqrt{\sum_{i=x-1}^{x+1} \sum_{j=y-1}^{y+1} (e_{ij}-e_{xy})^2} \end{align*}

$e_{xy}$ Elevation at longitude $x$ latitude $y$

Can be obtained by Focal Statistics + Map Algebra

Raster cell (30x30 arc-sec) level data is downloadable from Diego Puga's website

Terrain Ruggedness Index (cont.)

Expand the expression inside the square root:

\begin{align*} TRI_{xy} =& \sqrt{\sum_i \sum_j (e_{ij})^2 - 2e_{xy}\sum_i\sum_j e_{ij} + 9 (e_{xy})^2} \end{align*}

Map Algebra calculates $(e_{ij})^2$:

elev = Raster("srtm30.tif")
elev_sq = elev**2

Terrain Ruggedness Index (cont.)

Expand the expression inside the square root:

\begin{align*} TRI_{xy} =& \sqrt{\sum_i \sum_j (e_{ij})^2 - 2e_{xy}\sum_i\sum_j e_{ij} + 9 (e_{xy})^2} \end{align*}

Focal Statistics calculates $\sum_i \sum_j (e_{ij})^2$ and $\sum_i\sum_j e_{ij}$:

sum_elev_sq = FocalStatistics(elev_sq, "", "SUM", "")
sum_elev = FocalStatistics(elev, "", "SUM", "")

Terrain Ruggedness Index (cont.)

Expand the expression inside the square root:

\begin{align*} TRI_{xy} =& \sqrt{\sum_i \sum_j (e_{ij})^2 - 2e_{xy}\sum_i\sum_j e_{ij} + 9 (e_{xy})^2} \end{align*}

Map Algebra sums them up and takes square root:

TRI_square = sum_elev_sq - 2*elev*sum_elev + 9*elev_sq
TRI = SquareRoot(TRI_square)"ruggedness.tif")

5. Other geo-processing tools used by economists

Hariri (2017)

How city shapes affect population, wages, and housing rents

  • Compact shapes reduce transportation cost etc.

How can we measure city shapes?

Hariri (2017) (cont.)

Use nighttime light image

Luminosity over 40 is defined as urban area

$\Rightarrow$ Reclassify tool (cf. Lec 6)

Hariri (2017) (cont.)

Then use the Region Group tool, to assign unique ID to each urban area

For shape metrics, use Spatial Statistics Toolbox

Konig et al. (2017)

Estimate the externality of military efforts on allied partners' effort in DR Congo civil wars

Use rainfall shock as instruments

But how do we measure the location of each military actor?

Konig et al. (2017) (cont.)

Minimum Bounding Geometry tool with Convex Hull option

Directional Distribution (Standard Deviation Ellipse) tool

Create Thiessen Polygons tool

Divide surface by nearest point (aka Voronoi partition)

Alesina et al. (2016) use it as a robustness check to Murdock's ethnic homeland boundaries

Alsan (2015) (cf. Lec 2) uses it as an alternative to the 20-miles radius of Ethnographic Atlas society location

Useful tools for data cleaning

Clip (Analysis): clip vector by polygon

Extrast By Mask: clip raster by polygon

Useful tools for data cleaning (cont.)

Erase: open holes in polygons by polygons

  • Example: remove lakes from country polygons

What we've learned on ArcGIS

  1. Cell-by-cell calculations on multiple raster datasets
  2. Loop over keys in Python dictionary
  3. Create a Python list of raster dataset names