Causal Inference with Spatial Data

(ArcGIS 10 for Economics Research)

Lecture 6


Masayuki Kudamatsu

16 November, 2018

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Today's road map

1. Elevation in economics

2. Duflo & Pande (2007)

3. Replicate instruments in Duflo & Pande (2007)

4. Calculate polyline length

5. Loop over values in Python

1. Elevation in economics

It's a great source of exogenous variation!

Dinkelman (2011)

Electrification in South Africa (1996-2001)

$\Rightarrow$ Female labor supply $\uparrow$

Electrification: instrumented by mean land gradient

  • Flat terrain: cheap to lay power lines

Qian (2008)

Tea production $\uparrow$ in China due to liberalization in 1979

$\Rightarrow$ Male-to-female ratio $\downarrow$

Tea production: instrumented by mean land gradient

  • Tea grows in hilly terrain

Yanagizawa-Drott (2014)

Anti-Hutu radio station in Rwanda

$\Rightarrow$ Genocide incidents $\uparrow$

Radio: instrumented by signal strength

2. Duflo & Pande (2007)

Research Question

Do irrigation dams improve agricultural production and reduce rural poverty in India?


  • Dams: built on nearly 1/2 of rivers worldwide
  • Believed to reduce poverty, but no credible evidence


  • Use geography to obtain credible impact estimates



Unit of analysis: districts

Agricultural production data: annual 1971-99

Poverty data: 1973, 83, 87, 93, 99

Dams: location (nearest city), data of completion

  • Source: World Registry of Large Dams

Identification strategy

Dam constriction: instrumented by river gradient

$\Leftarrow$ Dams: easier to build if river gradient is

  • Moderate for irrigation dams
  • Very steep for hydroelectricity dams

How to use time-invariant river gradient for panel regression?

1st stage

\begin{align*} D_{ist} =& \ \sum_{k=2}^4 \alpha_k (RGr_{ki} \ast \bar{D}_{st}) + (\mathbf{M}'_i \ast \bar{D}_{st})\boldsymbol{\beta} \\ & + \sum_{k=2}^4 \gamma_k (RGr_{ki} \ast l_{t}) + \nu_i + \mu_{st} + \omega_{ist} \end{align*}

$D_{ist}$ # dams in district $i$ state $s$ in year $t$
$RGr_{ki}$ Fraction of river areas in gradient category $k$
(2 for 1.5-3%; 3 for 3-6%, 4 for over 6%)

We will learn how to calculate $RGr_{ki}$ in ArcGIS

1st stage (cont.)

\begin{align*} D_{ist} =& \ \sum_{k=2}^4 \alpha_k (RGr_{ki} \ast \bar{D}_{st}) + (\mathbf{M}'_i \ast \bar{D}_{st})\boldsymbol{\beta} \\ & + \sum_{k=2}^4 \gamma_k (RGr_{ki} \ast l_{t}) + \nu_i + \mu_{st} + \omega_{ist} \end{align*}

$\bar{D}_{st}$ Predicted # of dams in state $s$ in year $t$
$=\frac{D_{s,1970}}{\sum_s D_{s,1970}}*\sum_s D_{st}$
($D_{st}$: # dams in state $s$ in year $t$)
$\Leftarrow$ $D_{st}$ is endogenous to poverty

Annual total # of dams in India ($\sum_s D_{st}$)

(Figure III of Duflo and Pande 2007)

1st stage (cont.)

\begin{align*} D_{ist} =& \ \sum_{k=2}^4 \alpha_k (RGr_{ki} \ast \bar{D}_{st}) + (\mathbf{M}'_i \ast \bar{D}_{st})\boldsymbol{\beta} \\ & + \sum_{k=2}^4 \gamma_k (RGr_{ki} \ast l_{t}) + \nu_i + \mu_{st} + \omega_{ist} \end{align*}

$\mathbf{M}_i$ Controls: river length, fraction of district areas with each gradient cateogry, etc.
$l_{t}$ Year dummies
$\nu_i,\mu_{st}$ District and state-year FEs

Why should we control for each of these variables?

1st stage (cont.)

\begin{align*} D_{ist} =& \ \sum_{k=2}^4 \alpha_k (RGr_{ki} \ast \bar{D}_{st}) + (\mathbf{M}'_i \ast \bar{D}_{st})\boldsymbol{\beta} \\ & + \sum_{k=2}^4 \gamma_k (RGr_{ki} \ast l_{t}) + \nu_i + \mu_{st} + \omega_{ist} \end{align*}

$\mathbf{M}_i$ Controls: river length, fraction of district areas with each gradient cateogry, etc.
$l_{t}$ Year dummies
$\nu_i,\mu_{st}$ District and state-year FEs

We will learn how to obtain river length in $\mathbf{M}_i$

2nd stage

\begin{align*} y_{ist} =& \ \gamma_i + \eta_{st} + \delta D_{ist} + \delta^U D_{ist}^U \\ & + \mathbf{Z}_{ist}\mathbf{\delta_Z} + \mathbf{Z^U}_{ist}\mathbf{\delta_Z^U} + \varepsilon_{ist} \end{align*}

$y_{ist}$ Agricultural outcomes / poverty measures
$D_{ist}$ # of dams in own district (harmful)
$\Leftarrow$ Displacement, soil degradation, restricted water use
$D_{ist}^U$ # of dams in upstream districts (beneficial)
$\Leftarrow$ Irrigation
$\mathbf{Z}_{ist}$ All the controls for own district
$\mathbf{Z^U}_{ist}$ All the controls for upstream districts

2nd stage (cont.)

\begin{align*} y_{ist} =& \ \gamma_i + \eta_{st} + \delta D_{ist} + \delta^U D_{ist}^U \\ & + \mathbf{Z}_{ist}\mathbf{\delta_Z} + \mathbf{Z^U}_{ist}\mathbf{\delta_Z^U} + \varepsilon_{ist} \end{align*}

$D_{ist}$: instrumented by fitted value from 1st stage

$D_{ist}^U$: instrumented by sum of fitted values from 1st stage for upstream districts

cf. Using the fitted value from 1st stage as IV yields the 2SLS estimator (see Section 9.5.1 of Greene (2000), p. 374)

1st stage results

(Table II of Duflo and Pande 2007)

2nd stage results (on agriculture)

(Table III of Duflo and Pande 2007)

2nd stage results (on agriculture)

(Table III of Duflo and Pande 2007)

2nd stage results (on poverty)

(Table VIII of Duflo and Pande 2007)

Prepare for the rest of this lecture

1. Launch ArcMap 10 (it takes time)

2. Download the zipped dataset for Lecture 6

3. Save it to Desktop (C:\\Users\\yourname\\Desktop)

4. Right-click it and choose 7-Zip > Extract to "Lecture6\"

  • So the directory path will be: C:\\Users\\yourname\\Desktop\\Lecture6

In the input folder:

5. Right-click and select 7-Zip > Extract to Here

Prepare for the rest of this lecture (cont.)

Now in ArcMap's Catalogue Window:

6. Establish connection to data folder

  • Right-click Folder Connections
  • Select Connect to Folder
  • Choose Desktop > Lecture6

7. Create two empty models in the code/models.tbx

  • exercises1-3
  • exercise4

Elevation data

We use SRTM30 (version 2.1)

  • It supersedes GTOPO30 used by Duflo and Pande (2007)
  • WorldDEM is an updated version, but not for free of charge

Resolution: 30x30 arc seconds (roughly 1x1km)

Avaialable in 27 separate tiles

How to use SRTM30 in ArcGIS 10

1. Log on to:

2. Click the tile covering your study area

3. Download:

  • *** (data file)
  • *** (header file)
  • *** (projection file)
  • *** (statistics file)

For this lecture, these four files for India (060n40.***.zip) are already downloaded
in the input/ folder.

How to use SRTM30 in ArcGIS 10 (cont.)

4. Unzip them so the four files (.DEM, .HDR, .PRJ, .STX) are all saved in the same directory

  • Right-click each .zip file and choose 7-Zip > Extract Here

5. Drag the .DEM file from ArcMap's Calatogue window

6. For geo-processing, use the .DEM file as the input file

7. If you use multiple tiles, Mosaic to New Raster appends them all

Mosaic to New Raster

Make sure to set the appropriate pixel type

  • By default, it sets 8_BIT_UNSIGNED (i.e. 0 to 255)
  • If your raster data is in decimals, negative values, or larger than 255, it gets distorted
  • For elevation data, choose 16_BIT_SIGNED (i.e. -32,768 to 32,767)

3. Replicate Instruments in Duflo & Pande (2007)

Data we want to construct

District-level data on fraction of river areas with gradient:

  • 1.5-3%
  • 3-6%
  • 6% or steeper

$\Rightarrow$ Obtain gradient of each segment of river by matching river polylines with gradient raster:

Data we want to construct (cont.)

If each raster cell is not of equal size within a district

  • Each cell is large
  • The district stretches a lot along the north-south direction

$\Rightarrow$ Need to project the raster data (cf. Lecture 7)

Data we want to construct (cont.)

But this lecture assumes:

Each river segment is of equal size within the same district

  • Districts in India are at most 3° wide in latitude
    • India is located from 8° to 37° North
    • 1° in longitude at 15° = 107.551km
    • 1° in longitude at 30° = 96.486km
  • 30 seconds in longitude can differ up to only 18m

$\frac{107551-96486}{120}*\frac{3}{30-15} \approx 18$

Data we want to construct (cont.)

If each river segment is of equal size,

$\Rightarrow$ We can use Zonal Statitics (cf. Lecture 5) with two inputs:

  1. River polylines
  2. Indicator raster for each gradient category
    • 1 for (say) 3-6%
    • 0 otherwise

Mean cell value among river cells = Fraction of river areas with gradient 3-6%
Zonal Statistics

Data we want to construct (cont.)

1. Indicator raster for each gradient category

  • 1.5-3%
  • 3-6%
  • 6% or steeper

2. River polylines intersected & dissolved by district

3. % of river segments in each gradient category

  • Use Zonal Statistics with 1 and 2 as inputs

Exercise #1: Overview

Indicator raster for each gradient category

Input: elevation data (E060N40.DEM)

Geo-processing tools:

1. Slope

  • Transform elevation to gradient

2. Reclassify (Spatial Analyst)

  • Create indicator raster cells

What Slope tool does

Return either $\theta$ or $\tan\theta$ in diagram below

What Slope tool does (cont.)

$\tan\theta$ for cell $e$ is obtained by

\begin{align*} \Rightarrow \ \tan \theta = \sqrt{(dz/dx)^2+(dz/dy)^2} \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \frac{dz}{dx} = & \ \Big[\frac{c + 2f + i}{4} - \frac{a+2d+g}{4}\Big] / 2 \\ \frac{dz}{dy} = & \ \Big[\frac{a+2b+c}{4} - \frac{g + 2h + i}{4}\Big] / 2 \end{align*}

Exercise #1: Step 1


Input raster: ...\Lecture6\input\E060N40.DEM

Output raster: ...\Lecture6\temporary\slope.tif

Output Measurement: PERCENT_RISE

  • Duflo & Pande (2007) use gradient in % (i.e. $\tan\theta\times 100$)
  • If you need $\theta$, choose DEGREE instead

Z factor: 0.000009

  • # of (x,y) units in one z unit
  • 0.000009° = 1m


1 if raster data is in projected coordinate system

  • If coordinates and elevation are in different units (e.g., feet vs meters), use appropriate conversion factor

0.000009 if geographic coordinate system and low-latitude areas

  • 1° $\approx$ 111,120 meters

For middle- to high-latitude areas, use Project Raster first to use UTM projections (cf. Lecture 7)

  • 1° in longitude < 1° in latitude

Exercise #1: Step 2


Input raster: slope.tif

  • Output from Slope tool

Reclass field: VALUE

Reclassification: see next slide

Output raster: ...\Lecture6\temporary\gradient3060.tif

Uncheck "Change missing values to NoData"


For gradient 3-6%:

  • Select rows other than NoData; then click "Delete Entries"
  • Click "Add Entry"; then click each cell to enter values
  • For a range of values, enter spaces before/after hyphen
  • For max value, browse input raster (slope.tif) in ArcMap
  • Use comma (,) for decimal marks if you live in one of these countries.

Exercise #1 Step 2 (cont.)

Repeat for gradient 1.5-3% and over 6%

Exercise #2: Overview

River polylines by district


Natural Earth 1:10m river + lake centerlines (ne_10m_river_lake_centerlines.shp)

  • Digital Charts of the World, used by Duflo & Pande (2007), was made in 1992
  • Natural Earth: updated alternative

Indian district polygons (gadm36_IND_2.shp)

  • Provided by GADM

Exercise #2: Overview (cont.)

Geo-processing tools:

1. Intersect

  • Cut rivers by district boundaries

2. Dissolve

  • Turn all river polylines within a district into one feature

cf. Lecture 5

Exercise #2: Step 1

Intersect (Analysis)

Input Features (both in ...\Lecture6\input\):



  • Click the directory icon to choose input data
  • If the data is shown in ArcMap, it appears in the drop-down menu. But then the data file name won't properly be exported in a Python script.

Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture6\temporary\intersect.shp

Exercise #2: Step 2

Dissolve (Data Management)

Input Features: intersect.shp

  • Output from Intersect

Output Feature Class: ...\output\river_by_district.shp

  • We will use this data for Exercise #3

Dissolve_Field(s): GID_2

  • Unique district ID

Check "Create multipart features"

Dissolve (Data Management) (cont.)

Statistics Field(s)



  • To keep state and district names
  • Choose FIRST (or LAST) for string fields

Exercise #2 (cont.)

Now save and run the Model.

Browse river_by_district.shp

To check if multipart features are properly created:

  • Browse river_by_disrict.shp and gadm36_IND_2.shp
  • Select a district with multiple rivers by cursor
  • See attribute table of gadm36_IND_2.shp for GID_2 of the selected district
  • See attribute table of river_by_disrict.shp and select the row for this GID_2

Exercise #3

Fraction of river areas with each gradient category

Geo-processing tools:

1. Zonal Statistics as Table

2. Table To Excel

Exercise #3: Step 1

Zonal Statistics as Table

Input raster or feature zone data: river_by_district.shp

  • Output from Dissolve

Zone field: GID_2

Input value raster: gradient3060.tif

  • Output from Reclassify

Output Table: ...\temporary\river_gradient3060.dbf

Check "Ignore NoData in calculation"

Statistics type: MEAN

Exercise #3 Step 2

Table To Excel

Input Table: river_gradient3060.dbf

Output Excel File: ...\Lecture6\output\river_gradient3060.xls

Exercise #3 (cont.)

Repeat for gradient 1.5-3% and over 6%

Solutions for Exercises 1-3

Look at

  • models.tbx\exercises1-3

in the solutions4exercises/ folder

Application of Slope + Reclassify + Zonal Statistics

Saiz (2010)

Use % of areas with slope > 15% as a measure of unsuitability for urban development

Finds housing supply inelastic in such areas

Slope of over 15%: now often used as IV for housing supply or urban development

Assignment #1

Fraction of district areas in

Gradient 1.5-3%

Gradient 3-6%

Gradient over 6%

Elevation 250-500m

Elevation 500-1000m

Elevation over 1000m

  • Important to control for, so instruments won't pick up the direct impact of slope/elevation on poverty

4. Calculate polyline length

Coordinate system for polyline length

Cannot use geographic coordinate systems

For small areas, use UTM (Lecture 3)

For large areas such as India:

No single map projection preserves distance in every direction

$\Rightarrow$ Project each district to appropriate UTM projection

$\Rightarrow$ Loop over UTM zone numbers

India with UTM Zones

Exercise #4

Calculate river length by district

1. Assign UTM zone number to each river-by-district

2. Extract rivers whose centroid is within each UTM zone

3. Project to UTM

4. Calculate river length by district

5. Loop over steps 2-4 for all UTM zone numbers

$\Rightarrow$ Use Model Builder first, then edit the exported Python script to create a loop.

Exercise #4.1: Overview

Assign UTM zone number


river_by_district.shp (created in Exercise #2)

utm.shp: UTM zone polygons, provided by ArcGIS

  • The file is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.6\Reference Systems
  • The version number may differ from 10.6
  • Right-click Folder Connections to access to this directory

Exercise #4.1: Overview (cont.)

Geo-processing tools:

1. Feature To Point (cf. Lecture 4)

  • Some rivers may cross UTM zone boundaries
  • Assign UTM zone number based on centroid

2. Spatial Join

  • Match river centroids with UTM zone polygons

3. Copy Features + Join Field

  • Transfer UTM zone number in centroid table to river table
  • Join Field overwrites the input
  • So copy river features first

Exercise #4.1: Overview (cont.)

There is a tool called "Calculate UTM Zone"

But it's not useful at all.

  • It creates a new field that contains the full string of the coordinate system, which may be truncated...
  • Why doesn't it just give the UTM zone number???

Now open the empty model exercise4

It's best to separate a model from the one for Exercises 1-3

  • Each model (and Python script) should deal with one single purpose
  • Otherwise your coauthors and your future self will get confused

Exercise #4.1

Feature To Point

Input Features: ...\output\river_by_district.shp

Output Feature Class: ...\temporary\river_centroids.shp

Uncheck "Inside"

  • We need the average location for each river, not the point on river

Exercise #4.1 (cont.)

Spatial Join

Target Features: river_centroids.shp

  • Output from Feature To Point

Join Features: C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.6\Reference Systems\utm.shp

Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture6\temporary\utm_zones.shp

Spatial Join (cont.)

Join Operation: JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE

Check "Keep All Target Features"

Field Map of Join Features: leave as it is

  • We handle this in Python later

Match Option: Intersect

Exercise #4.1 (cont.)

Copy Features

  • To prepare for using Join Field

Input Features: river_by_district.shp

Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture6\temporary\river_utm.shp

Join Field

Add fields from another shapefile's attribute table

  • Very much the same as Stata's merge

Overwrites the input. So use Copy Features first.

Exercise #4.1 (cont.)

Join Field

Input Table: river_utm.shp

  • Output from Copy Features

Input Join Field: GID_2

  • Name of field in Input Table, to be used for joining
  • Join Field (cont.)

    Join Table: utmzones.shp

    • Output from Spatial Join

    Output Join Field: GID_2

    • Name of field in Join Table, to be used for joining

    Join Field(s): check ZONE

    • Field for UTM zone number

    NOTE: This tool overwrites the input data.

    Join Field to add your own data

    Create your data as a csv file

    Then use Table to Table, to convert it into dBASE format.

    Finally, use Join Field

    We will learn this in Lecture 7

    Assignment #2

    Mean river gradient map of India

    Replicate Figure IV of Duflo & Pande (2007)

    Exercise #4.2: Overview

    Extract rivers by UTM zone

    Geo-processing tool: Select (Analysis)

    This tool keeps features whose field values satisfy the conditions you specify

    Useful in various situations

    • Keep unmatched areas from Union (cf Lec 5)
    • Sample selection (e.g. select India from global data)

    Exercise #4.2

    Select (Analysis)

    Input Features: river_utm.shp (2)

    • Output from Join Field

    Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture6\temporary\river43.shp

    Expression: "ZONE" = 43

    Exercise #4.3

    Project to UTM

    Which geo-processing tool(s) should we use?

    Exercise #4.3 (cont.)


    Input Dataset or Feature Class: river43.shp

    • Output from Select

    Output Dataset or Feature Class: ...\temporary\river43_projected.shp

    Output Coordinate System: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_43N

    Exercise #4.4

    Calculate river length

    Geo-processing tools: Add Geometry Attributes

    cf. Surface area calculation (Lecture 4)

    Exercise #4.4 (cont.)

    Add Geometry Attributes

    Input Features: river43_projected.shp

    • Output from Project

    Geometry Property: LENGTH

    Length Unit: METERS

    NOTE: This tool overwrites the input data.

    Exercise #4.5

    Table To Excel

    Input Table: river43_projected.shp (2)

    • Output from Add Geometry Attributes

    Output Excel File: ...\Lecture6\output\river_length43.xls

    An alternative to Exercise #4.3 and #4.4

    You can directly use Add Geometry Attributes (cf. Lecture 4)

    Input Features: river43.shp

    • Output from Select

    Geometry Properties: LENGTH_GEODESIC

    Area Unit: METERS

    Coordinate System: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_43N

    • If unspecified, the area is calculated based on WGS 1984 (i.e. rubbish)

    Get ready for Python coding

    Now export the model exercise4 as a Python script

    Open both the exported script and the template script (code/ with IDLE

    We first review what we have learned (cf Lecture 2)

    Then we create a loop over UTM zones

    Use Try-Except statement (review)

    • For printing error messages

    1. Copy geo-processing commands in exported script

    2. Paste them below try: in template script

    3. Select them all

    4. Indent them by pressing the tab key

    Assign variables to file names (review)

    • For ease of understanding/editing the script later

    1. Copy local variables in exported script

    2. Paste them above try: in template script

    3. Sort them by inputs, intermediate files, and outputs

    • Inputs: temporary\\river_by_district.shp, ...\\utm.shp
    • Outputs: output\\river_length43.xls

    Assign variables to file names (cont.)

    4. Specify the working directory (see Lecture 3)

    arcpy.env.workspace = "../"

    5. Remove directory path from file names

    utm_zones_shp = "C:\\...\\utm_zones.shp"


    utm_zones_shp = "temporary\\utm_zones.shp"

    Assign variables to file names (cont.)

    6. Replace duplicated variables

    • Model Builder duplicates variables for outputs from overwriting tools (Join Field, Add Geometry Attributes)
    • Press ctrl + f (for IDLE, Edit > Replace), to avoid mistakes


    $\rightarrow$ rivers_utm_shp


    $\rightarrow$ river43_projected_shp

    Spatial Join in Python

    Replace the lengthy 6th argument with ""

    • Otherwise, field GID_2 may become all 0 for some reason...

    Whenever using Spatial Join in Python, make sure the 6th argument is empty.

    5. Loop over values in Python

    Exercise #4.6: Overview

    Loop over UTM zones

    Put the following geo-processing steps into a loop

    • Select, Project, Add Geometry Attributes, Table To Excel

    At each turn of loop, change:

    1. UTM zone number for Select

    "\"ZONE\" = 43"

    2. UTM coordinate system for Project

    3. Output file names

    Exercise #4.6: Overview (cont.)

    Create a loop over values from 43 to 47

    • India ranges from UTM zone 42 to 47
    • There is no river in zone 42

    To do so, add the following command line

    for zone in range(43,48):

    Loop over numbers in Python

    for zone in range(43,48):

    This command line does the following:

    1. Creates a variable zone that contains number 43

    2. Executes all the indented commands below

    3. Then assigns next number (44) to zone

    4. Executes all the indented commands below

    5. Repeats this until number 47 (not 48!)

    Loop over numbers in Python (cont.)

    Same can be done by the while loop

    zone = 43
    while zone < 48:
        zone = zone + 1
    or the list loop (to be used in Lecture 7)
    zoneList = [43,44,45,46,47]
    for zone in zoneList:

    Exercise #4.6 (1)

    Create a loop structure in script

    1. Add:

    for zone in range(43,48):

    above arcpy.Select_analysis...

    2. Indent the four geo-processing commands

    Now the code should look like this:

    for zone in range(43,48):
      # Process: Select
      # Process: Project
      # Process: Add Geometry Attributes
      # Process: Table To Excel

    Exercise #4.6 (2)

    Select a UTM zone number

    Let's first understand the syntax for Select tool

    cf. ArcGIS Help on Select

    Syntax for Select tool

    arcpy.Select_analysis(river_utm_shp, river43_shp, "\"ZONE\"=43")

    1st argument: input file name

    Syntax for Select tool

    arcpy.Select_analysis(river_utm_shp, river43_shp, "\"ZONE\"=43")

    2nd argument: output file name

    Syntax for Select tool

    arcpy.Select_analysis(river_utm_shp, river43_shp, "\"ZONE\"=43")

    3rd argument: selection rule

    Syntax for selection rule


    Must be string, thus enclosed by " "

    Syntax for selection rule


    Field name must be enclosed by \" \"

    • " " is used by Python as string enclosure
    • For Python to read " as field name enclosure, add backslash \

    Syntax for selection rule


    We want to replace this number at each turn of the loop

    To do so, write as follows:


    Number vs String


    Variable zone contains number, not string

    But selection rule expression has to be string

    Convert Number into String


    So transform number into string by str( )

    Concatenate strings


    To "concatenate" (i.e. connect) two strings, use +

    Concactenate strings


    Don't forget to enclose a string with " "

    Summary (1/4)


    We have two strings

    Summary (2/4)


    We have two strings concatenated by +

    Summary (3/4)


    Number must be converted into string by str()

    Summary (4/4)


    Field name must be enclosed by \" \"

    Exercise #4.6 (2)

    Replace the 3rd argument for the Select tool

    "\"ZONE\"= 43"



    Exercise #4.6 (3)

    Specify UTM projection

    Let's first understand the syntax for Project tool

    cf. ArcGIS Help on Project

    Syntax for Project tool

    arcpy.Project_management(river43_shp, river43_projected_shp, "PROJCS[...

    1st argument: input file name

    Syntax for Project tool

    arcpy.Project_management(river43_shp, river43_projected_shp, "PROJCS[...

    2nd argument: output file name

    Syntax for Project tool

    arcpy.Project_management(river43_shp, river43_projected_shp, "PROJCS[...

    3rd argument: coordinate system name

    (too long to be shown in this slide)

    Specify coordinate system in Python

    Use factory code (unique ID for each coordinate system)

    UTM projections for zones 43-47:

    32643, 32644, 32645, 32646, 32647

    Then use SpatialReference method

    SpatialReference method

    factorycode = 32643

    cs = arcpy.SpatialReference(factorycode)

    arcpy.Project_management(river43_shp, river43_projected_shp, cs)

    Create a variable for factory code

    SpatialReference method

    factorycode = 32643

    cs = arcpy.SpatialReference(factorycode)

    arcpy.Project_management(river43_shp, river43_projected_shp, cs)

    SpatialReference method takes factory code as input

    SpatialReference method

    factorycode = 32643

    cs = arcpy.SpatialReference(factorycode)

    arcpy.Project_management(river43_shp, river43_projected_shp, cs)

    Then returns that long string name for coordinate system

    SpatialReference method

    factorycode = 32643

    cs = arcpy.SpatialReference(factorycode)

    arcpy.Project_management(river43_shp, river43_projected_shp, cs)

    We assign variable cs to coordinate system name

    SpatialReference method

    factorycode = 32643

    cs = arcpy.SpatialReference(factorycode)

    arcpy.Project_management(river43_shp, river43_projected_shp, cs)

    Use it as 3rd argument for Project

    SpatialReference method in loop

    for zone in range(43,48):

    factorycode = 32600 + zone

    cs = arcpy.SpatialReference(factorycode)

    arcpy.Project_management(river43_shp, river43_projected_shp, cs)

    Then use variable zone to change factory code for each turn of the loop

    • Factory code must be number, not string
    • So don't use str(zone)

    Exercise #4.6 (3)

    Modify the script as follows (marked in yellow)

    for zone in range(43,48):

    arcpy.Select_analysis(river_utm_shp, river43_shp, "\"ZONE\" = " + str(zone))

    factorycode = 32600 + zone

    cs = arcpy.SpatialReference(factorycode)

    arcpy.Project_management(river43_shp, river43_projected_shp, cs)

    Exercise #4 Step 5 (4)

    Output file names

    Select the names of files to be created within loop

    Cut-and-paste them to beginning of loop

    for zone in range(43,48):

    river43_shp = "river43.shp"

    river43_projected_shp = "river43_projected.shp"

    river_length43_xls = "river_length43.xls"

    Don't forget indenting them

    Output file names

    Replace 43 in the file names with "+str(zone)+"

    • Do not change variable names!

    for zone in range(43,48):

    river43_shp = "rivers"+str(zone)+".shp"

    river43_projected_shp = "rivers_pj"+str(zone)+".shp"

    river_length43_xls = "river_length"+str(zone)+".xls"

    This way, each turn of the loop will create different files

    Exercise #4 Step 5 (5)

    Print commands

    To explain what each command line does, add:

    print "..."

    • This allows you to monitor which part of the script is being run
    • What follows after print must be a string
    • You can use string variables

    Print commands (cont.)

    To indicate each turn of the loop:

    for zone in range(43,48):
        print "Processing UTM zone "+str(zone)

    Another example of string concatenation

    Now run the script by pressing F5 in IDLE

    Model Python Script for Exercise 4

    Look at solutions4exercises/

    What we've learned on ArcGIS

    1. Covert elevation raster into gradient raster
    2. Create indicator raster
    3. Attach UTM zone numbers to features
    4. Calculate length of polyline features

    Do you remember which geo-processing tools you used for each of these tasks?