Causal Inference with Spatial Data

(ArcGIS 10 for Economics Research)

Lecture 5

Zonal Statistics

Masayuki Kudamatsu

9 November, 2018

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What is Zonal Statistics?

Summary statistics of raster data value within each polygon

i.e. Merge polygons with raster data


  • Indonesian districts + Forest coverage (Lecture 1)
  • Grid cells + Population counts
    • Population weights for averaging grid-cell temperature to country (Dell et al. 2012)

What is Zonal Statistics? (cont.)

More examples:

Mean nighttime luminosity within:

What is Zonal Statistics? (cont.)

The following summary statistics can be obtained:

  • Mean / Standard deviation
  • Min / Max / Range
  • Sum
  • Count

For integer rasters only:

  • Median
  • Variety (# of unique values)
  • Majority (most frequent value)
  • Minority (least frequent value)

An application of Zonal Statistics for research design

Michalopoulos (2012): probably the most ingenious application of zonal statsitics (and ArcGIS in general)

Today's road map

1. Michalopoulos (2012)

2. Virtual country data

  • Intersect + Dissolve
  • Zonal Statistics as Table

3. Adjacent cell pair data

  • Extract Multi Values To Points
  • Polygon Neighbors

1. Michalopoulos (2012)

Research Question

Did geographic diversity cause ethnic diversity?



  • Cross-"virtual country" regression



Spatial distribution of languages

Suitability for agriculture (Ramankutty et al. 2002)

  • Raster at 0.5° x 0.5° resolution
  • Fraction of a cell cultivable around 1990
  • Obtained by "regressing" observed cultivated areas (satellite images) on climate and soil

Elevation and other geography variables

Empirical challenge

Omitted variable bias in cross-country regression

  • Countries with centralized modern state may have both homogenized languages & conquered homogenous areas

Panel data analysis: infeasible

  • Geography: time-invariant

Empirical challenge (cont.)

Global raster data allows for sub-national district analysis

  • Can control for country FE

But... sub-national district boundaries: endogenous

  • Maybe difficult to split districts by ethnicity if geography is diverse

Empirical challenge (cont.)

Solution 1: cross-"virtual country" regression

  • Divide the earth into 2.5° x 2.5° grid cells
  • Boundary thus exogeneous

Solution 2: Dyadic regression

  • Pair each raster cell with one of its 8 adjacent cells
  • Measure differences within each pair
  • Can control for raster cell FE

Neither is feasible w/o GIS

Virtual country example

Figure 7 of Michalopoulos (2012)

Cross-"virtual country" regression

\begin{align*} ln(\#Languages_i) = & \ \beta_0 + \beta_1 Latitude_i \\ & + \beta_2 SD(Elevation)_i \\ & + \beta_3 SD(LandQuality)_i \\ & + \boldsymbol{x}'_{i}\boldsymbol{\beta_4} + \varepsilon_{i} \end{align*}

$Latitude_i$ Literature has found its association w/ ethnic diversity
$\boldsymbol{x}_i$ Vector of controls (country FE, etc.)

We will learn how to calculate $SD(LandQuality)_i$

Standard errors

Clustered at country level

Conley's (1999) method can also be used (cf. Lec 3)

Results (table 4 columns 4-6)

Dependent Variable: ln(# of languages)
Sample All Tropics Non-tropics
SD(land quality) 0.116*** 0.103** 0.173***
[0.033] [0.048] [0.055]
SD(elevation) 0.082*** 0.118** 0.093**
[0.030] [0.057] [0.043]
Other controls YES YES YES
# observations 1663 536 1127
Standard errors clustered at country level.
* significant at 10%, ** 5%, *** 1%.

Dyadic regression

Unit of analysis: pair of neighboring cells $ij$

\begin{align*} \%CommonLanguages_{ij} = & \ \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 \Delta(LandQuality)_{ij} \\ & + \gamma_2 \Delta(Elevation)_{ij} \\ & + \boldsymbol{x}'_{ij}\boldsymbol{\gamma_3} + \mu_i + \nu_j + \xi_{ij} \end{align*}

$\mu_i, \nu_j$ Cell FEs for $i$ and $j$

Results (table 6 columns 2-5)

Dependent Variable: % Common Languages
Sample All Africa Europe Asia
$\Delta$LandQuality -0.038*** -0.054*** -0.048** -0.056***
[0.012] [0.018] [0.021] [0.016]
$\Delta$Elevation -0.051*** -0.050*** -0.046** -0.053***
[0.006] [0.016] [0.022] [0.009]
Observations 156570 35305 11975 74830
Standard errors clustered at country level.
* significant at 10%, ** 5%, *** 1%.

Prepare for the rest of this lecture

1. Launch ArcMap 10 (it takes time)

2. Download the zipped dataset for Lecture 5

3. Save it to Desktop (C:\\Users\\yourname\\Desktop)

  • Don't save in the remote server, which slows down ArcGIS

4. Right-click it and choose 7-Zip > Extract to "Lecture5\"

  • So the directory path will be: C:\\Users\\yourname\\Desktop\\Lecture5

Prepare for the rest of this lecture (cont.)

In the input/ folder...

5a. Right-click (agricultural suitability raster) and choose 7-Zip > Extract to "suit\"

  • This is a raster data in ESRI grid format.
  • The directory structure for grid raster is very complicated
  • Keep every file in one subfolder to avoid confusion when browsed in File Explorer

5b. Right-click the following zipped data and choose 7-Zip > Extract Here

  • (country polygons)
  • (ethnolinguistic group polygons)

Prepare for the rest of this lecture (cont.)

Now in ArcMap's Catalogue Window:

6. Establish connection to data folder

  • Right-click Folder Connections
  • Select Connect to Folder
  • Choose Desktop > Lecture5

7. Prepare the Model Builder

  • Create and Save 3 models in code/models.tbx
    • cleandata
    • exercises1-3
    • exercises4-5

Data Cleaning 1: GREG

Browse GREG.shp (Geo-referencing of Ethnic Groups data)

  • We use this data because World Language Mapping System data is not for free

Same language group split into several polygons if:

  • Inhabiting non-adjacent areas
  • Cohabitated with other language groups
  • $\Rightarrow$ Three fields for language group code/name

In this lecture, we assume each polygon represents one language group

Data Cleaning 1: GREG (cont.)

For how to make each language has only one polygon, see:

Model: solutions4exercises/models.tbx/cleanGREG

Python script: solutions4exercises/

Data Cleaining 2: Suitability for Agriculture

Now browse the "suitability for agriculture" raster data

It has no coordinate system assigned.

We need to assign it ourselves, by looking at the meta data

  • But... There is no meta data to tell what coordinate system should be assigned
  • So we assume it's WGS 1984
  • (We should avoid using such spatial data...)

Which geo-processing tool(s) should we use?

Data Cleaining 2: Suitability for Agriculture (cont.)

Since Define Projection overwrites the input file, we should make a copy

The Copy Features tool works only with vector data

For raster data, we use the Copy Raster tool

So let's edit models.tbx/cleandata

Data Cleaining 2: Suitability for Agriculture (cont.)

Copy Raster

Input Raster: ...\Lecture5\input\suit\suit

Output Raster Dataset: ...\Lecture5\output\landquality.tif

  • By adding ".tif", we will save the raster in the TIFF format

Data Cleaining 2: Suitability for Agriculture (cont.)

Without running the model, export and edit a Python script. Then run the script.

Model Python script: solutions4exercise/

2. Virtual Country Data

Data we want to construct

Unit of observations: Virtual country polygons

  • 2.5° x 2.5° cell's region with language data available (see p. 1516)

Dependent variable: # of languages spoken

Regressor: Standard deviation of land quality

We now create these data by editing exercises1-3

Exercise #1: Overview

Virtual country polygons

Geo-processing tools:

1. Create Fishnet + Define Projection (cf. Lecture 2)

  • Creates 2.5° x 2.5° cells

2. Add Field + Calculate Field

  • Assign the unique ID in the attribute table

Exercise #1: Step 1

Create Fishnet

Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture5\temporary\fishnet25.shp

Template Extent (see p. 1522)

Top: 85

Left: -180

Right: 180

Bottom: -65

$\Rightarrow$ Automatically fill in Fishnet Origin Coordinate and Y-Axis Coordinate

Create Fishnet (cont.)

Cell Size Width: 2.5

Cell Size Height: 2.5

Number of Rows: 0

Number of Columns: 0

$\Rightarrow$ Automatically calculate # of rows/columns given the extent and cell size

Create Fishnet (cont.)

Uncheck "Create Label Points"

  • Label points: unnecessary for our purpose
  • Model Builder will still show label points as an output from Create Fishnet. This is a bug.

Geometry Type: POLYGON

  • By default, this option is set as POLYLINE. Make sure to change it.

Exercise #1: Step 1 (cont.)

What coordinate system should we assign to the fishnet?

Same one as other spatial datasets

$\Rightarrow$ Check the coordinate system of GREG

Exercise #1: Step 1 (cont.)

Define Projection (Data Management)

Input Dataset or Feature Class: fishnet25.shp

Coordinate System: GCS_WGS_1984

  • Geographic Coordinate Systems > World > WGS 1984
  • This is the coordinate system used by GREG

NOTE: This tool overwrites the input data.

Exercise #1 Step 1 (cont.)

Now save and run the Model.

Browse the attribute table of fishnet25.shp.

Fields created:

  • FID: unique integer identifier starting from 0
  • Id: all values are 0...

Exercise #1 Step 2

We need virtual country ID for merging data in Stata

Field name FID is used for every shapefile...

$\Rightarrow$ Create your own ID for virtual countries

To create a new field, we need two tools:

  • Add Field
  • Calculate Field

Exercise #1: Step 2 (cont.)

Add Field

Input Table: fishnet25.shp (2)

  • Output from Define Projection

Field Name: cell25_id

  • Or whatever you prefer (not exceeding 10 characters)

Field Type: SHORT

  • We create integer identifier
  • Total # of cells: 8640

NOTE: This tool overwrites the input data.

Exercise #1: Step 2 (cont.)

Calculate Field

Input Table: fishnet25.shp (3)

  • Output from Add Field

Field Name: cell25_id

  • Or the same as what you specified in Add Field

Calculate Field (cont.)

Expression: !FID! + 1

  • ! ! tells Python what's enclosed is a field name
  • You don't have to add 1
  • But ID usually starts from 1

Expression Type: PYTHON_9.3

NOTE: This tool overwrites the input data.

Exercise #1 Step 2 (cont.)

Now save and run the Model.

Browse the output attribute table.

Is everything as expected?

Exercise #2: Overview

# of languages spoken

Simplest approach: Spatial Join (JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY)

  • Match each virtual country w/ all intersecting language polygons
  • Then export the table to Stata
  • collapse (count) ..., by(cell25_id)

Exercise #2: Overview (cont.)

# of languages spoken

Alternative approach: Intersect + Dissolve

  • Intersect throws away the area of a virtual country that's not overlapped w/ language polygons
  • Dissolve merges all language polygons w/i each virtual country

Michalopoulos (2012, p. 1516): "... geographic measures are calculated focusing on regions with linguistic coverage ..."

$\Rightarrow$ Preferred approach in this context

Also allows you to create a map of # of languages spoken

Exercise #2: Step 1

Intersect (Analysis)

Input Features:

  • ...\Lecture5\input\GREG.shp
  • fishnet25.shp (4)

Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture5\temporary\intersect.shp

Join Attributes: ALL

Output Type: INPUT

Exercise #2: Step 2

Dissolve (Analysis)

Input Features: intersect.shp

Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture5\temporary\vcountry.shp

Dissolve_Field(s): cell25_id

Statistics Field(s): FID_GREG

Statistic Type: COUNT

Check "Create multipart features"

  • Otherwise non-contiguous polygons won't be dissolved

Exercise #2 (cont.)

Now save and run the Model.

To check if # of languages spoken is properly calculated:

  • Browse fishnet25.shp (make polygon color unfilled)
  • Select (say) cell_id 1340 in attribute table
  • Right-click fishnet25.shp and choose "Selection > Zoom To Selected Features"
  • Now count # of polygons in GREG.shp within this cell
  • $\Rightarrow$ It's 4

  • Browse attribute table of vcountry.shp
  • For cell_id 1340, COUNT_FID has a value of 4?

Exercise #2 (cont.)

Polygons in GREG.shp are slightly overlapping over each other

  • Zoom in a lot to the boundaries of GREG.shp

$\Rightarrow$ Intersect creates tiny polygons along the border

Solution: set XY Tolerance a little bit higher in the Intersect tool

XY Tolerance

Size of a square treated as a point in geo-processing

Default: 0.001 meters

XY Tolerance (cont.)

Increasing XY Tolerance a bit (say, to 1 meter) usually solves the problem of Intersect, Spatial Join etc.


Exercise #2: Step 1

Intersect (Analysis)

Input Features: GREG.shp, fishnet25.shp (3)

Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture5\temporary\intersect.shp

Join Attributes: ALL

XY Tolerance: 1 Meters

Output Type: INPUT

Application of Intersect + Dissolve

Hoxby (2000)

Does competition improve school quality?

# of streams within city: IV for # of school districts

  • Intersect streams w/ metropolitan areas
  • Dissolve by metropolitan area

Similar idea was used by Bai and Jia (2016)

Exercise #3: Overview

Standard deviation of land quality


  • Virtual country polygons (with language data available)
  • Suitability for Agriculture raster

Geo-processing tool: Zonal Statistics as Table

Zonal Statistics as Table

Creates a table where

  • Each row: polygon zone
  • Columns: zonal statistics

Output is NOT the attribute table to input polygons

  • Use Table To Excel, to export

Don't confuse with another tool called Zonal Statistics

  • Creates a raster data, instead of a table

Cannot use Zonal Statistics as Table? See next slide:

Spatial Analyst extension

Zonal Statistics as Table is part of the Spatial Analyst extension.

  • This extension allows us to work on raster datasets

By default, you're not allowed to use it.

To activate, click in the menu bar Customize > Extensions... and check Spatial Analyst

  • Same for other extensions

Exercise #3: Step 1

Zonal Statistics as Table

Input raster or feature zone data: vcountry.shp

  • Output from Dissolve

Zone field: cell25_id

Input value raster: output/landquality.tif

Zonal Statistics as Table (cont.)

Output table: ...\Lecture5\temporary\landquality25.dbf

  • Adding ".dbf" will create a table in the dBASE format

Check "Ignore NoData in calculations"

  • If unchecked, zonal statistics is missing if there is at least one raster cell with NoData

Statistics type: ALL

  • STD: main regressor
  • MEAN: control
  • RANGE: robustness check (Table 5B column 3)

Exercise #3 Step 2

Table To Excel

  • Input Table: landquality25.dbf
  • Output Excel File: ...\Lecture5\output\landquality25.xls

Here we cannot use Export Feature Attribute to ASCII

  • Zonal Statistics as Table creates a table, not a feature class
  • Export Feature Attribute to ASCII only takes a feature class as the input

Exercise #3 (cont.)

Now save and run the Model.

Browse the output Excel file.

OID: just the row ID

cell25_id: use this to merge in Stata

COUNT: # of raster cells used for calculation

  • Used for sample selection (at least 10; see p. 1524)

AREA: in degrees and thus useless


Data for Table 3

How to obtain zonal stats for areas without language data?

Data for Table 3 (cont.)


Union + Select + Zonal Statistics as Table

  • Union: same as Intersect except for keeping unmatched features (as multipart features)
  • If unmatched, FID_GREG = -1
  • Select: keep features by their attritubes (cf. Lecture 6)
  • Keep those with FID_GREG = -1

"Model" model for Exercises 1-3

See models.tbx\exercises1-3
in the solutions4exercises\ folder

Assignment #1

Sample selection by population

"In the regression analysis, virtual countries of at least 3,000 inhabitants are included." (p. 1523)

$\Rightarrow$ Obtain population for each virtual country

Assignment #2

# of countries in each virtual country

Which geo-processing tool(s) should you use?

Assignment #3

Other control variables

Reviewing Lecture 4 allows you to create:

1. Absolute latitude

2. Migratory distance from East Africa (hint)

3. Surface area (hint)

4. Sea distance (hint)

5. Water area (hint)

3. Adjacent cell pair data

Data we want to construct

1. Data at 0.5°x0.5° cell level

2. List of adjacent cell pairs

  • Unit of observations

Exercise #4: Overview

0.5° x 0.5° cell data

1. Create cell polygons (cf. Exercise 1)

2. Extract language spoken

3. Extract land quality

Exercise #4: Step 1 (1)

Create Fishnet

Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture5\temporary\fishnet05.shp

Template Extent

Top: 85

Left: -180

Right: 180

Bottom: -65

$\Rightarrow$ Automatically fill in Fishnet Origin Coordinate and Y-Axis Coordinate

Create Fishnet (cont.)

Cell Size Width: 0.5

Cell Size Height: 0.5

Number of Rows: 0

Number of Columns: 0

$\Rightarrow$ Automatically calculate # of rows/columns given the extent and cell size

Create Fishnet (cont.)

Uncheck "Create Label Points"

  • Label points: unnecessary for our purpose
  • Model Builder will still show label points as an output from Create Fishnet. This is a bug.

Geometry Type: POLYGON

  • By default, this option is set as POLYLINE. Make sure to change it.

Exercise #4: Step 1 (2)

Define Projection (Data Management)

Input Dataset or Feature Class: fishnet05.shp

Coordinate System: GCS_WGS_1984

  • Geographic Coordinate Systems > World > WGS 1984
  • This is the coordinate system used by GREG

NOTE: This tool overwrites the input data.

Exercise #4: Step 1 (3)

Add Field

Input Table: fishnet05.shp (2)

  • Output from Define Projection

Field Name: cell05_id

  • Or whatever you prefer (not exceeding 10 characters)

Field Type: LONG

  • Total # of cells: 216,000
  • SHORT cannot handle values larger than 32,767

Exercise #4: Step 1 (4)

Calculate Field

Input Table: fishnet05.shp (3)

  • Output from Add Field

Field Name: cell05_id

  • Or the same as what you specified in Add Field

Calculate Field (cont.)

Expression: !FID! + 1

  • ! ! tells Python what's enclosed is a field name

Expression Type: PYTHON_9.3

NOTE: This tool overwrites the input data.

Exercise #4 Step2

Extract language spoken

Use Spatial Join

  • Name (or code) of languages needed to obtain % of common languages within a pair of adjacent cells

When exported to Stata, execute:

bysort cell05_id: gen id = _n

reshape wide ..., i(cell05_id) j(id)

to make one row per cell

Exercise #4 Step2 (cont.)

Spatial Join

Target Features: fishnet05.shp (4)

  • Output from Calculate Field

Join Features: ...\Lecture5\input\GREG.shp

Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture5\temporary\cell05.shp

Join Operation: JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY

Uncheck "Keep All Target Features"

  • Drops all the cells without language data

Exercise #4 Step3

Extract land quality

We could use Zonal Statistics as Table

But each polygon has only one raster cell

Here we take alternative approach:

  • Feature To Point
  • Extract Multi Values To Points

Extract Multi Values To Points

Extract raster values from the cell below the point feature

Value -9999 will be assigned if no raster data

This tool also overwrites the input attribute table

cf. Another tool Extract Values To Points does the same thing, but one raster at a time (and field name cannot be chosen)

Exercise #4: Step 3 (1)

Feature To Point

Input Features: cell05.shp

  • Output from Spatial Join
  • We don't need cells where no language is spoken

Output Feature Class: ...\Lecture5\temporary\cell05centroids.shp

Uncheck "Inside"

Exercise #4: Step 3 (2)

Extract Multi Values To Points

Input point features: cell05centroids.shp

  • Output from Feature To Point

Input rasters: landquality.tif

Output field name: land_q

  • Field name cannot be longer than 10 characters

Exercise #4: Step 4

Export data to Stata

We cannot use Table to Excel

  • # of cells: more than Excel's limit of 65535

$\Rightarrow$ use Export Feature Attributes to ASCII

Exercise #4: Step 4 (cont.)

Export Feature Attribute to ASCII

Input Feature Class: cell05centroids.shp (2)

Value Field: cell05id, G1ID, G2ID, G3ID, land_q

Delimiter: SPACE

Output ASCII File: ...\Lecture5\output\cell05.txt

Check "Add Field Name to Output"

Exercise #5

List of adjacent cell pairs

Inputs: 0.5° x 0.5° cell polygons (cf. Exercise #4)

Geo-processing tools: Polygon Neighbors

Polygon Neighbors

Application of Polygon Neighbors

Acemoglu et al. (2015)

State capacity in one municipality

$\Rightarrow$ State capacity & prosperity in neighboring municipalities

  • Polygon Neighbors: identify neighboring municipalities among 1017 in total in Colombia

Exercise #5 Step 1

Polygon Neighbors

Input Features: cells05.shp

  • Output from Spatial Join

Output Table: ...\Lecture5\temporary\cell_neighbors.dbf

Report By Field(s): check cell05_id

Uncheck "Include both sides of neighbor relationship"

  • Otherwise each pair is observed twice
  • Check if unit of analysis is the cell, not the pair (e.g., Acemoglu et al. 2015)

Exercise #5 Step 2

Export table with many rows

Run the tool and browse the table

Notice # of rows more than Excel's limit of 65535

$\Rightarrow$ Table to Excel does not work

ArcGIS has no tool to export table as a text file

What should we do?

Export table with many rows (cont.)

Solution: Table Select

This tool picks a subset of rows from the input table

$\Rightarrow$ Divide the table into several

Exercise #5 Step 2 (1)

Table Select

Input Table: cell_neighbors.dbf

Output Table: ...\Lecture5\temporary\cell_neighbors1.dbf

Expression: "OID" < 65000

  • "OID": row #

Exercise #5 Step 2 (2)

Table Select

Input Table: cell_neighbors.dbf

Output Table: ...\Lecture5\output\cell_neighbors2.dbf

Expression: "OID" >= 65000 AND "OID" < 130000

And so on until all rows are covered.

Then finally...

Exercise #5 Step 3

Table to Excel

Input Table: cell_neighbors1.dbf

Output Excel File: ...\Lecture5\output\cell_neighbors1.xls

And so on, and append them in Stata

"Model" model for Exercises 4-5

Look at models.tbx\exercises4-5
in the solutions4exercises\ folder

Python: Check Out Extension

When using Spatial Analyst extension tools...

  • Zonal Statistics as Table
  • Extract Multi Values To Points

Make sure you add:


Otherwise these tools cannot be run.

Model Python Script for Lecture 5

In the solutions4exercises/ folder, see


What we've learned on ArcGIS

How to obtain:

1. Unique identifier

2. # of features w/i each polygon

3. Summary stats of raster values w/i each polygon

4. Raster value for each point

5. List of adjacent polygon pairs

Do you remember which geo-processing tool(s) you used for each of these tasks?